
Denial of cannabis by Prohibition ‘law’ premeditatedly inflicts suffering, blindness, and, in many instances, death. Those who maintain any use of life-saving cannabis to be “illegal” should be regarded and treated as perpetrators of the gravest of crimes, and deemed unfit to hold any public office in a democratic society.

The Report collates Empirical Evidence and the Findings of Fact of official clinical studies which exonerate cannabis and vindicate all cultivation, trade, possession and use. The Report establishes massive ulterior money-motive and prejury behind prohibition; and indicts government.

The Report presents irrefutable Legal Grounds for Restoration: Relegalisation, Amnesty & Restitution.

ISBN 9781902848204

✡️✡️✡️ Human Endocannabinoid System ✡️✡️✡️.

Cannabis Prohibition is the greatest fraud of all time: the pernicious effects of this crime are myriad, extreme and ubiquitous. Let’s assimilate that Prohibition is the direct cause of:
WAR; CRIME; astronomical world energy, resource and food prices, with disastrous and homicidal corollary effects; world poverty; world famine; industrial and automotive emissions poisoning air; photochemical smog and acid rain; desertifications; the Greenhaouse effect, global warming and fatally catastrophic weather; and that RESTORATION is the immediate scientific solution.

Cannabis sativa L. – The Benign Herb

The official Empirical Studies into actual use of pure cannabis conclude:
1) use of pure Cannabis has no adverse effect upon mental or physical health: Cannabis is harmless;
2) use of pure Cannabis does not cause any impairment to mental and physical abilities: Cannabis is safe;
3) modern Medical Case Histories show pure Cannabis to have numerous beneficial results to health: Cannabis is benign.

In short, the allegations of “harm” by which Cannabis has been prohibited are, by disinterested scientific scrutiny, not substantiated: the “harm” has been competently , comprehensively and consistently dismissed. The allegations are naught by figments. The unfounded “law” – quod erat demonstranduum – has always been false; the Prohibition is an ongoing fraud; all Cannabis related prosecutions of citizens are malicious.

To do nothing to stop this abhorrent Prohibition is as shameful as instigating or enforcing it. These people’s acquiescence to Prohibition is flagitious and fatal. Dishounourable self-interest produces their duplicity. They evade the guilt of their position which encourages governments Prohibition, by which the Owners and politicians cause suffering, incarceration, deaths and ecological disasters. However, to consent to any measure is to share responsibility for its results. The “law” is not simply “wrong”; it is the subterfuge of criminals. People’s intentions , guilty or innocent, are tested by their stance: if individuals be selfish and dishonest, or money-motivated, predictably, they do not support Relegalisation; but the honest person supports RESTORATION.

All cannabis use is medicinal, though some use it for recreation, it is still medicine. Is Cannabis really addictive?


The discovery of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the single most important
scientific medical discovery since the recognition of sterile surgical technique. As our
knowledge expands, we are coming to realize that the ECS is a master control system of
virtually all physiology. The total effect of the ECS is to regulate homeostasis and prevent
disease and aging.

The more we learn, the more we realize that we are in the infancy of this scientific field of study. The ECS is a control system which involves tissue receptor proteins, cellular communication and control, molecular anatomy and the scavenging of oxygen free radicals. This new field of science will change medicine forever and prove cannabis the gold standard for many disease processes. Its effect on scavenging oxygen free radicals is applicable to all disease processes and this is why it has such wide medical application and is considered a cure-all by many.

The discovery of the ECS will replace the current medical system of managing and
treating disease. Instead of management of symptoms after disease has occurred, we will prevent disease and cancer by manipulation of the ECS. Research and education of medical students involving the ECS is being intentionally restricted by politics. No justification can be made for the restriction of the scientific study of cannabis and the endocannabinoid system. What is the danger of providing government-grown
and tested cannabis to researchers?

Diversion of research cannabis for non-scientific or recreational purposes does not seem to be a serious threat to national security.

The issue of cannabis abuse and dependency remains quite controversial. A cannabis dependency syndrome has been posited (Budney et al., 2004), with an oft quoted figure of 9% of ever cannabis users becoming dependent at some point. In the USA, at least, these figures, which apply to “recreational” usage must be tempered by the fact that greater than 50% of patients admitted to substance abuse treatment programs are there by legal mandate as an alternative to prosecution or incarceration, and not always because of an actual addiction to cannabis. Other authorities opine that cannabis has a DAL lower than that of other legal and illicit agents (Hilts, 1994; Roques, 1998; Nutt et al., 2007). The relative addictive potential of a drug is ascertained by judging its attendant intoxication, reinforcement, tolerance, withdrawal and dependency. DAL requires additional determination of public health and legal data on its degree of abuse and diversion. The advent of the Internet has revolutionized promulgation of drug information to any inquisitive potential consumer.

Herbal cannabis is scheduled in international and national categories that generally designate it as addictive or dangerous, having severe abuse potential, and lacking any recognized medical utility. In contrast, Marinol®, a synthetic form of THC has been down-scheduled in countries where it is an approved pharmaceutical, to a category denoting a lesser potential for abuse or lower dependency risk, after documentation showed rare abuse or diversion to the black market (Calhoun et al., 1998). This precedent is one that could potentially be repeated with cannabis-based medicines once their safety and appropriate DAL risk is demonstrated.

Tolerance is quickly established to various manifestations of cannabinoid intoxication: tachycardia, hypothermia, orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, ocular injection, intraocular pressure decreases, etc. (Jones et al., 1976). In over 15,000 patient-years of experience, no dose tolerance to nabiximols has been observed, however, while therapeutic efficacy is maintained (Wade et al., 2006; Notcutt et al., 2012; Serpell et al., 2013) In SAFEX studies in MS and peripheral neuropathic pain, nabiximols doses have been steady or reduced after months or years of administration (Serpell et al., 2013; Koehler, 2014). Symptomatic pain control is maintained with slow continued improvement in non-progressive disorders.

The existence or severity of a cannabis withdrawal syndrome remains under debate (Smith, 2002; Budney et al., 2004). In contrast to reported withdrawal sequelae in recreational users (Solowij et al., 2002), 24 subjects with MS who volunteered to discontinue nabiximols after a year or more suffered no withdrawal symptoms meeting Budney criteria. While symptoms such as pain recurred after some 7–10 days without Sativex, symptom control was rapidly re-attained upon resumption (Wade et al., 2006). Similar safety was noted in a clinical randomized withdrawal trial in spasticity of MS (Notcutt et al., 2012), wherein 36 patients previously improved on Sativex showed no withdrawal symptoms of significance. Additionally, in a study of 136 MS patients taking Sativex for a mean of 334 days, sudden cessation, no withdrawal effects of associated adverse events were reported (Serpell et al., 2013).

While herbal cannabis has lowest overall dependency risk of commonly abused drugs (Hilts, 1994; Roques, 1998; Nutt et al., 2007), that of nabiximols is apparently lower yet, due to slower peak compared to smoking, low doses required for therapeutic efficacy, virtual absence of intoxication in normal usage, and freedom from withdrawal sequelae even after chronic administration. Finally, no known abuse or diversion incidents with nabiximols were reported (as of March 2013). Formal DAL studies with nabiximols have demonstrated its drug abuse potential to be equal to or less than that of Marinol, which is Schedule III in the USA (Schoedel et al., 2011).

The situation is particularly puzzling for cannabidiol, which seems to be a victim of guilt by association, in that it was placed in Schedule I of the US Controlled Substances Act of 1970 along with cannabis and THC as a placeholder (United States Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, 1972), and has remained there ever since, in spite of meeting no criteria for intoxication, reinforcement, tolerance, withdrawal, or dependency.

Since cannabis can stay in your system for weeks, it’s been demonized, wrongfully accused of being addictive because it does not stimulate that reward centre.

This is interesting, I guess that’s why patients who rely heavily on cannabis, don’t really get high. I wonder if they can fix that? 🙂

Science Daily published – Cannabis: Non-addictive pathway to pain relief? Medicinal properties of cannabis examined

Ingram and colleagues report the treatment of chronic pain has challenged the medical system, with medications that are ineffective or create serious side effects: “However, emerging data indicate that drugs that target the endocannabinoid system might produce analgesia with fewer side effects compared with opioids.”

The body’s endocannabinoid system comprises receptors, endocannabinoid molecules and enzymes that make and degrade the endocannabinoids located in the brain and throughout the central and peripheral nervous system. The research team focused on two cannabinoid receptors, known as CB1 and CB2, in the rostral ventromedial medulla — a group of neurons located in the brainstem known to modulate pain. The study is the first to examine CB1 and CB2 receptor function at the membrane level in late adolescent and adult neurons.

The researchers observed that chronic inflammatory pain increased activity of CB2 receptors and decreased CB1 activity. Cannabis activates both CB1 and CB2 receptors equally. The study suggests that selective activation of CB2 receptors contributes to the medicinal benefit of cannabis while minimizing the propensity of the other cannabinoid receptor, CB1, to induce tolerance and withdrawal. Ingram said the next phase of the research will further explore this area of brain circuitry, which ultimately could lead to the development of a new class of pain medications.

Co-authors include lead author Ming-Hua Li, Ph.D., and Katherine L. Suchland, both with the Department of Neurological Surgery, OHSU School of Medicine.

The study was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health (DA035316 and R56NS093894) and American Heart Association (13SDG14590005, MH.L.).

Cannabinoids as Therapeutics , Edited by R. Mechoulam , ISBN 3-7643-7055-6 Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel – Boston – Berlin



Toddler’s Rare Skin Condition Cured With Cannabis Oil!


Excellent, well done, don’t stop the treatment.

Patients for Medical Cannabis

This was a huge win for cannabis treatments and this needs to go viral! The establishment wants to bring us back to 1980. – “Don’t Speak” on YouTube

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Toddler born with a painful condition that causes his skin to develop scales ‘like a fish’ is finally cured after his mother started treating him using lotions mixed with CANNABIS oil

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Colorado girl, suing feds over medical marijuana, encouraged by recent FDA approval


Patients for Medical Cannabis

DENVER — For the first time, the Food and Drug Administration has approved a drug derived from cannabis.

The move is being celebrated by those who depend on marijuana to relieve pain and even stay alive. One of those individuals is Alexis Bortell, 12, of Larkspur.

Alexis has epilepsy and requires a cannabis medication to prevent seizures. She was forced to move from Texas to Colorado for treatment.

“I usually black out. I don’t remember [the seizures],” Alexis said.

Since the age of 7, Alexis has suffered daily seizures until coming to Colorado and starting a doctor-recommended THC hemp oil regiment.

She consumes THC three times a day. She said she hasn’t had a seizure in three years.

“The THC really helped,” Alexis said.

THC is different from the newly FDA-approved CBD. While THC creates a high, CBD does not. For Alexis and others, CBD does not help.


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Cannabis Saves Life Of Judge That Once Jailed People For Using It


Finally …

I’m thankful for Doug Bench and hope more like him step up to the plate and admit they were wrong. Admit that the people are right and that we’ve been dealt with unjustly by a government that seems to do no wrong while it’s people die needing a plant that they have a patent on. There’s no smooth way to go around that fact.

Patients for Medical Cannabis

“When Bench was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, which can result in a slow and painful death, his life was saved after realizing the benefits of cannabis in treating his disease. Now, Bench has made it his life’s work to wake people up to the “70 years of lies” the US government has told the citizens about marijuana.”

By Mike Robinson for Mike’s Medicines

Now here’s a new twist. The very same judge, Doug Bench, who used to put away those with minor marijuana offence without any qualms,  came forward about how Cannabis saved his life in order to help the people of Florida and beyond learn the truth about prohibition. The success stories regarding cannabis are seemingly endless, and the medicinal properties of this plant when properly administered have proven to to have a tremendously positive effect on our health, so much that the healthcare and pharmaceutical…

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Hoffnungsloses Ärztegelaber


Wurde denn die Option Cannabisoel erst gar nicht erwaehnt?

Das Leben mit Handicap

Heute war endlich der Termin bei einem neuen Schmerzarzt, auf den habe ich ein paar Monate warten müssen. Dieses Mal war es in einem sogenannten Schmerzzentrum.

Ja, nach einer Std Wartezeit, fast schon üblich bei Ärzten, wurde ich dann empfangen wie schon öfter. ‘Was ich mir wünsche wenn ich doch keine Tabletten möchte, ob er einen Zauber sprechen soll, dass ich keine Schmerzen mehr habe.’ 😑 Jau danke auch vielmals, natürlich wünsche oder erwarte ich mir so einen Schwachsinn nicht.

Aber ein wenig Verständnis wäre evtl. mal nett und auch angebracht denke ich. Naja scheiß der Hund drauf. Also mir wurde wie immer nur gesagt, ich könnte nur mit Medikamenten arbeiten und ansonsten hätte ich Pech gehabt.

Echt schade, aber irgendwie habe ich schon garnichts anderes mehr erwartet, nach den vielen Arztbesuchen. Also im Prinzip bleibt nun nicht mehr viel übrig.

Akupunktur habe ich durch, Pillen genauso, Hypnose bin ich…

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ein falscher ZwanziGer


Einsichten, ja so langsam wird bemerkt wo der Aerger herkommt, vom Alkoholismus und der Kriminalisierung der Medizin Cannabis.


Die ersten Stimmen, die gegen das gewaltbeladene, unverhältnismäßige und völlig ja rechtswidrige ( der so genannten Gewaltenteilung zugrundeliegende Prinzip) Verhalten oder Agieren der so genannten POLIZEI (Firma, wie wir ja fast alle jetzt wissen) ihre Stimme erhoben waren Leute vom ANWALTLICHEN NOTDIENST.


Sie haben auf unmißverständliche Weise ohne Verblümung über die ja Teils Machenschaften von POLIZEI, anders ist es nicht benennbar, berichtet.

Wenn einer Kritik an POLIZEI übt, die sehr berechtigt ist, fängt POLIZEI immer gleich kollektiv an zu heulen. Dabei sollten sie ihre Leute zur Rechenschaft ziehen und zur Menschlichkeit auffordern.

Das POLIZEI und Menschlichkeit sich heute ja schon diametral gegenüberstehen, wenn es je anders war, (aber sicher nie so schlimm wie sich heute zeigt,) das wissen und haben viele Menschen, die sich versuchten und versuchen aus dem Machenschaftssystem der BRD zu befreien ebenso!


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Is this blog being censored?


Patients for Medical Cannabis

Though the average posts per month has not changed drastically, around February of this year, views to this blog dropped massively, and continue to do so at an alarming rate.

To our readers, if you are on Facebook (where we used to get the vast majority of our views), have you noticed this blog being labeled “fake news”, or have there been any noticeable changes when trying to post from here?

I did a search, and found that most of the news about Facebook’s new censorship program is dated around the same time that this site’s views dropped.

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The Fibonacci Numbers and the Platonic Solids


Ja, das UNIVERSALE Gesetz, das Innen ist wie das Aussen, alles verbunden.

A Cabinet of Qabalistic Curiosities

As we mentioned within the previous post,the 24 reduced Fibonacci numbers when placed around a circle, visibly generate the form of the 5 Platonic solids.

This time around,we are going to look closely at how this strange phenomena occurs.

In Euclidean geometry, the Platonic solids present as being regular,convex polyhedrons. Their faces are congruent regular polygons, with the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. Within classical thought,there are five solids which meet this criteria; each of which is named according to its specific number of faces.


Plato in his work ‘Timaeus’ writing around C.350 BCE, made a connection between these 5 polyhedra and the classical elements.

He equated the tetrahedron with the element of fire,the cube with that of Earth,the octahedron with Air,the iscosahedron with Water and the dodecahedron with the quintessence or the heavens and the constellations.

In terms of a connection with Lurianic qabalah,Leonora Leet,in her book ‘The secret Doctrine Of The Kaballah’,equates…

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